Thursday, August 28, 2008

Are Apples Alive?

Ellie asked me if cars can grow. That was easy; I explained that cars can't grow because they're not alive. We went on to discuss all kinds of things and whether they were alive or not: trees, rocks, tables, kittens, etc. All went fine until Ellie asked me if an apple is alive.

I used to have the 6 traits of living organisms memorized, but I can't remember many of them. Living things take in energy, convert waste, ???

Is an apple alive? Is it alive when it's on the tree, and dies when you pick it? Is it like fingernails and hair - not alive?


Unknown said...

1) Living things are made of cells.
2) Living things obtain and use energy.
3) Living things grow and develop.
4) Living things reproduce.
5) Living things respond to their environment.
6) Living things adapt to their environment.

I can't take credit for them since I just googled them.

As for Apples:
1) Not sure
2) No
3) Yes...while on the living tree
4) No...but the tree may
5) They can squirt juice if you are careful, but I think the answer is No.
6) No...although they may degrade in quality if left in hot environments, etc.

I'd say the Apples are not alive. The tree however is alive. When they are on the tree I don't know if you would classify them as being alive, although they are growing.

Anonymous said...

When you pick a apple is it its not dead. It is on it way to reproducing it self. It should have several seeds within it self that are alive and ready to produce a tree that will grow more apples. The material around the seed cavity is in material to the apple seed. You, because of your training, think of the apple as something to eat, but the apple tree thinks of the apple as means to continue its lineage. In short the important thing about the apple is still alive after you pick it.

Anonymous said...

good argument.... great question..
I would say the apple is dead however it contains the seeds which have the ability to grow into another tree so therefore is the apple still alive? I would say yes...
If your arm falls off is it alive or dead... well it contains live cells but I would still say it is dead as there is nothing to sustain it however if a starfish loses a limb it would be alive since it has the ability to regenerate....