Thursday, September 4, 2008

If Ellie Were President...

Ellie: "I would like to be President."
Me: "Why?"
Ellie: "So I can tell other people what the rules are."
Me: "What rules would you make?"

Here's Ellie's list of rules:
  • You can't play Play-Doh or do art projects if you don't want to get dirty.
  • Obey your parents and your neighbors.
  • Never forget your patience.
  • Always love each other.
  • Do not forget you can live with your mother until you die if you want.
  • If you don't want it hotter in there, close your windows.
  • Play games if you want to play with someone.
  • Know everything that you're supposed to.


The Lindell Family said...

I'd vote for her! :)

Bonny said...

LOL!!!! Allison, your posts crack me up SO much. I just absolutely love to read your blog!!!