Friday, November 14, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes

Today, Elizabeth randomly told me, "If you hadn't got married yet, and I was a grown-up, I would marry you!" (I love her purity, love, and innocence!)

She discovered the baby aspirator (a little thing that you use to clean out babies' noses, if you don't know what it is) and after being told what it was, exclaimed, "It's a baby booger breather!"

At her doctor appointment, she was playing in the waiting room with some baby dolls. Loudly enough for the whole room to hear, she proclaimed, "Let's get you dressed - you pooped all over your onesie!" Nothing like realism in play, huh?

From the mouth of my other babe: lots of spit-up. And sometimes bubbles.


ella peterson said...

been missing you at church! where have you guys been?

Allison said...

Two Sundays ago, Elizabeth was sick. There was no point in my going to church since I'd have to miss so much nursing Amelie, and I wasn't about to stay home by myself with both girls all morning, so I made Isaac stay home too. This Sunday we went down to my father-in-law's church to show off the new grandchild.