Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Is It Bad?

Is it bad that I told Elizabeth, "If you pick up the cracker I dropped on the floor, I'll let you eat it?"
Is it bad that I let her eat some dinners standing on a folding chair at our kitchen counter because the dining room is just too cold?
Is it bad that when my two girls are lying on a blanket together and one starts to cry, I immediately ask, "What did you do to Amelie?"
Is it bad that Elizabeth likes to play "Annie and Miss Hannigan" and "Sarah the servant girl" (from The Little Princess) and I enjoy getting to be brusque with her and telling her what chores to do?
Is it bad that Isaac and I eat most of the candy that people give Elizabeth?
Is it bad that our family walked the four blocks to Elizabeth's preschool program last night in the freezing Arctic temperatures? (Yes, I took an infant and a preschooler out in that.)
Is it bad that one of the reasons I love my baby is that she slept through the night last night?


J mom said...

I give you an emphatic NO! Thanks for your preschool advice too. You calmed my fears and that's something!

Jen said...

maybe, but I wont tell. :)

you are hilarious!

Spring Lela Kane said...

You're funny! None of these are bad! But I must give you props for taking your bundled baby out in the cold. Most moms would be too paranoid! Jason and I know a couple that took their 8 month old baby with them on a trip to the Boundary Waters- canoing and all! I hope I'm that kind of mom and not a paranoid one lol :)