Sunday, January 11, 2009

Feeling Good

Once I got the doctor's okay after Amelie was born, I started a running program that I found in a book. I started slow to avoid injury, which is hard for me because I'm competitive and I like to push myself. Unfortunately, as I found out when I started running last August before I got pregnant, I would push myself to run too fast and then I was miserable. This time I've worked on building endurance rather than speed, and to enforce that, I haven't let myself keep track of mileage.

My first goals were to be able to run for 30 minutes straight and to run for 3 miles. Today I ran for 30 minutes straight! (Outdoors, no less - my usual track was closed). I went about 3 blocks short of 3 miles, so I think I'll meet that goal soon.

This was the first time I had run outside in the cold since last year. I thought I was running at the same pace as I do on the track, but I ended up going much faster! I think I cut off 1-2 minutes per mile, which is pretty huge. I was so proud of myself - I definitely felt that elusive runner's high and grinned for the next 45 minutes.
I still have a long way to go before I can call myself a real runner, but I'm getting there. I plan to run a 5K with my dad at the beginning of the summer, and I'm hoping to be ready for a 10K by fall.

1 comment:

J mom said...

Way to go girl! Running is a great high but can be hard on the body too. My sister started running a few years back. Though she loves it, she found she needed larger shoes and good orthotics to keep going to long distances without pain. It's good that you are taking your time to get into it - your body will thank you!