Monday, June 14, 2010

Goodbye, Kindergarten!

Elizabeth celebrated her last day of kindergarten on Friday. I can't believe how fast the year went! I'm pretty sure the first day was just last month! It's kind of scary to think about what that means for middle school and high school.

Elizabeth loved all of kindergarten, from the start to the finish. We saw God's hand at work as He clearly answered every prayer, from school selection (we LOVE St. Anthony Park!) to the right teachers and even the right neighbors and friends in the class.

We celebrated the first night off school by watching a movie (the first one I've ever let Amelie watch - she got to stay up for the first 40 minutes of Heidi). The girls cuddled on the couch and munched on popcorn until Amelie got bored, started marching up and down the couch, stepping on Elizabeth, spilling popcorn, and then had to be taken to bed.

The next day Elizabeth started planning her own "First Grade Party." (As if our pajama party and a birthday party last week and Memorial Day weren't enough?) She wrote out a list of things to do that included activities, decorations, special food, and cleaning the house. Number one on her list was "Amelie in bed or out of the house." I wonder why! Then she divided her paper into columns and wrote out details for each item. I was so proud! She took care of everything herself, even the dusting. Here is a picture of her with one of her decorations, a welcome scroll that she made herself out of toilet paper tubes.

One of the part activities she planned for me and Isaac was the high jump. She taped crepe paper to the wall and marked it "Finish Line." Then we had to take turns jumping to see how high we could reach. Fun stuff!

1 comment:

Katrina Custer said...

One of my favorite Custer traditions that started when I was about 10 (my brothers 6 and 4) was to have a midnight party to celebrate school getting out. We'd never know which night it would be, but some night my parents would wake us up again at midnight, and we'd play games and eat junk food and watch a movie. So fun!