Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Days

We didn't plan much for this summer, relying instead on the classics of playdates with friends and family camping trips, but we lucked into a fantastic tennis class every morning at 8:15 for the first six weeks. Elizabeth, whose skills do NOT lie in ball skills, has been loving it, and Amelie gets to play at the park while she practices every morning. It's a win for all of us, as it gets me dressed and moving earlier than I would otherwise choose!

Elizabeth is extremely motivated to keep track of her reading minutes this summer, so she's been spending every spare minute reading with a stopwatch next to her book. Amelie has suddenly developed a longer attention span for books (praise God!) which gives me a way to sit down and take a break during the day (as long as I'm reading aloud!).

We hit the Como Zoo this morning with a little friend, then spent the afternoon lounging on a blanket in the shade and eating cherries. Can you think of a better way to spend the summer?

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