Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Amelie and the Cat

Amelie and Misty are developing a very special relationship. Amelie adores Misty. She pretends to be Misty and "naps" on the couch just like the cat. She follows her around saying, "pet, pet" and tries to lift her up.

You would think that any smart cat would quickly learn to run away from Amelie, right? Not Misty. They have some inexplicable weird connection. When Amelie cries, Misty meows. Amelie woke up from nap sobbing the other day and continued crying as I paced the house with her. Misty followed me from room to room, meowing. The other night I put Amelie and Elizabeth both to bed screaming. (Don't ask. It had been a rough evening.) Misty stood at their bedroom door and cried too.

Isn't that a funny cat? We even found her sleeping with one of Amelie's baby dolls the other day.

Misty also waits for us at the door when we go outside, and comes running to meet us when we come back in. Have you ever heard of such a social cat? I think this is working out well for all of us!

1 comment:

ella peterson said...

yes! i have heard of such a social cat! i used to have one ... oh how i miss that kitty...