Friday, December 10, 2010

Ask - and Wait!

Our rule is that Amelie has to ask before taking Chapstick from "Mommy's drawer." I was sitting in the rocking chair while she puttered around the house, listening to her chatter and tuning out most of it. Then I saw that she was applying Chapstick. "Amelie! You have to ask before putting on Chapstick!"

Amelie kept putting it on. "I did ask!"

Thinking back with hindsight, she did ask "I put on Chapstick?" as she took it out of my drawer, opened it up, and put it on.

"You have to wait for me to answer!" I explained, exasperated.

But oh. Don't I do that with God? I ask Him, but then I go right ahead and act without waiting for His answer. It's not so obedient when I'm on the other side of the asking equation!

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