Saturday, January 8, 2011


Two is the age of initiative, which can be a very good thing. It can also be not so helpful. Amelie has begun helping unasked - something that I'm not sure we want to encourage! In the last week, she has
  1. cleared a glass bowl of salsa from the table, across the white carpet at someone else's house - without being asked.
  2. carried someone their wine glass that they'd left on a table - without being asked (I'm not sure if I'm more relieved she didn't drink it or break it!).
  3. cleared a glass from our table at a full run across the wood floor and took a tumble, breaking the glass - without being asked.

Do you see a pattern here involving glass and helpfulness?

Oh, yeah, and last night she slathered herself with Vaseline. That was fun to clean up.

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