Friday, August 12, 2011

Conversations from Our House

Amelie: "Daddy, I need help closing the marshmallow bag."
Isaac, suspiciously: "Why were the marshmallows open in the first place?"
Amelie: [No answer. I think she tried to plead the fifth.]

In Amelie's language, "Elizabeth" has moved from "Dideth" to "Wizabeth" to "Wizabethy" - and now, to "Hon." For example:
Amelie, to Elizabeth, while pretending to be doggies: "Are you okay, hon?"
Elizabeth: "Call me Master."
This might be my favorite line of the year.

Me, sternly: "Amelie VanLoon, are you being naughty?"
Amelie, sweetly: "No... Not very much."

Elizabeth, talking in her sleep as Isaac pulled up her covers: "Mine is made of mithril!" I think she's been reading too much Lord of the Rings.

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