Wednesday, August 20, 2008

In a Few Months...

In a few months, I will be able to...
  • Roll over in bed without getting a Braxton Hicks contraction and needing to get up to go to the bathroom
  • Get up off the couch without feeling like a beached whale
  • Hug my husband and fit the right way
  • Pick things up off the floor without grunting
  • See my toes
  • Run and exercise and start to get back into shape
  • Wear my wedding ring on my finger instead of on a necklace
  • Wear a shirt without having to constantly tug it down over my belly
  • Stand and sit without back pain and needing to lie down
  • Walk up stairs and not get out of breath
  • Walk without my feet hurting
  • Hold a sweet, cuddly little baby

I'm giving myself "a few months" because I know not all of this comes at once. And I know that the next few months will be challenging in many ways (lack of sleep, buying diapers all the time, nursing, dealing with a big sister and lots of changes, etc.) but there sure are a lot of things to look forward to!


Lynn Wolf said...

Yeah I'm right there with you, though my belly is just now starting to get in the way! C'mon, post a photo! Let's see the belly!

Jen D said...

The last few weeks of pregnancy were definitely the ickiest for me. At that point, I was soooo ready for the baby to come and for my body to get somewhat back to normal! And even though there wasn't a lot of sleep to be had after the baby was born, the sleep that I did get was sooooo much more you said, no back pain, no having to go to the bathroom, I could lie on my stomach. Even the 1 hour a night was pure bliss!

ella peterson said...

let me know if there is any way i can help you guys out!

oh! and by the way, you are super cute pregnant! just like i had always imagined!