Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Spiritual Conversations

This afternoon Ellie and I were talking about the ways God can speak to us. She frequently mentions that she can't hear His voice audibly, and I always reassure her that God speaks in different ways. Sometimes He really does speak in a voice we can hear; other times He speaks through His Word, other people, or that still-small voice within us.

She thought about that for a while, then asked, "Jesus is God, right?" Yes. "When Jesus came to earth as a baby, could He speak then?"

That's pretty good thinking! (You try explaining "fully God and fully man" to a 4-year-old!)

Then tonight, Ellie asked if we had a king. I explained that the United States has a President, not a king, but added that the Bible tells us Jesus is a King. She got excited and said, "Right! So the WORLD has a King!" She's right - the world does have a King, and someday everyone will acknowledge His lordship.

1 comment:

Bob Ryan said...

Just want you and Isaac to know that we are so proud of the way that you are bringing Ellie up. You two are great parents, fully obedient to God's commission to you. Thank you from everyone who benefits and will benefit from the Godly woman Ellie will become.
