Monday, September 8, 2008

Elizabeth's First Day of Preschool

My beautiful, big, brave girl went to her first day of preschool today. Our whole family walked there together. Elizabeth was so excited that she pulled us along and we got there much faster than we expected. Isaac asked her for a hug before he left, but by the time I finished signing her in, she was already involved and busy, so I just waved and left. We were so proud.

She says, "I love preschool so much that I hurry to school. I loved it. My mom got there right as the school ended and I played with my friends a little bit and then I left. The best parts were the book loft and the cars and the blocks."

We celebrated by making peanut butter kiss cookies when we got home and drinking lemonade.


Amy said...

She looks so cute! By the way, when are you due?

Ali said...

very cute! I'm glad the first day went so well.

J mom said...

You've been tagged! See my blog...