Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Family Tummy Time

Look at all that hair! And no bili blanket! We got to discontinue the bili blanket yesterday, and it's been really nice to be able to eat at the table while holding Amelie, and pace when she's fussy, and change her diaper at the changing table without disconnecting all kinds of stuff. We have reached a new level of freedom! I even left the house twice today - once to eat lunch with my mother and once to pick up Elizabeth from preschool and show off her new baby sister to all her friends. She was pretty happy.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new addition to the family!! I am so happy that she is now free from her bili blanket and cords. When our girls were in the NICU, we had to hold them, change their diapers, and do everything with a ton of different cords, tubes, etc. on them and it was a HUGE relief to bring them home unattached to all of that. Yeah for a happy, healthy, jaundice-free baby! Congratulations, we are so excited for your family! Love to you all!