Friday, October 24, 2008

Laundry - Does It Ever End?

There is always at least one load ready to throw in.
Even when we think we've done it all, by the time the last load comes out of the dryer, there's another load ready.
It's amazing.

When Elizabeth was born and our family went from two to three, our laundry tripled.
When Amelie was born and our family went from three to four, it's doubled again.
I'm not sure how this is possible.

I'm pretty sure it's not possible to actually have all the laundry folded and put away before another load is begging to be done.

What's a normal amount of loads of laundry to do in a week?


Jennifer C. said...

I do about 3 loads every other week... sometimes I slack and only do one load just to hold out for one more week. Matt does his own laundry, though, so that's not a very good assessment considering I am only one person...

Maija N said...

I do four to five loads a week, but I refuse to do it more than once a week unless I absolutely have to.

Amy said...

We are a family of 4 and I do 2 loads every other day...sometimes I can get away with 1 every other day, depends on whether or not sheets need to be washed. Also I dry most of our clothes on a rack so there's always some on there and some folded in the basket. ALWAYS!

ella peterson said...

welll i'm doing about 7 loads today and that is just MY clothing... um. is that bad?

i'm also giving a bunch of clothes away so some of it was just washing to give to goodwill. so i guess it's not ALL my clothes.

Jenny said...

It's true. Wait till child number 3. You end up with 8 times as much laundry as you did when you had no children. No lie.

We do about 8-10 big loads of clothes a week, and 3-8 loads of towels and sheets. The big variance of towels/sheets is mostly in the "how many nighttime accidents do my kids have" variable.

It's unreal. I try and do a couple loads a day, but it's hard.

Oh, for the days when I could do a couple loads on Saturday and be done.

Jen said...

I do about four loads every other week. (depending on the season...and deer hunting)

J mom said...

I do laundry two days a week. Usually a total of three loads one week and five the next since I do all sheets, towels, blankets every other week. I agree there is always more. Seth has a few shirts he always wants clean too - he has learned that they will be ready when they will be ready. Have you also noticed this same phenomenon with your dishes. It seems like I always have dirty dishes growing out of the word work! I run the dishwasher and then there's a whole new pile sitting there waiting to go back in. Yikes!