On Saturday night (or probably more accurately on early Sunday morning) Amelie cried and Isaac went to go get her. Actually, he sat up in bed and started feeling around the bed for her. "Isaac," I said. "She's in her crib."
"I know," he answered. "That's what I'm looking for." Think we're in that newborn daze?
The really funny thing is that last night I was looking back over the notes I kept when Elizabeth was a newborn. I wrote, "One night you cried after I fed you and put you to bed. I asked Daddy to go calm you. He sat right up and said, 'Okay, where is she?' 'In her crib.' 'Okay, where is that?'"
It's all sounding very familiar.
Oh, I got a good chuckle out of that one! I so remember those days and the crazy things that I would do! Waking up, thinking that only 5 min had passed since I layed Mikayla down, whereas in reality 2 hrs went by, and I would just say to Cliff .. "what in the world does she want .. I just fed her .. I don't have anything left!" I am eagerly looking forward to meeting our 2nd daughter, but not those long sleepless nights and days! Hope it gets better soon! I remember how good I felt once I was able to get 4 hours of continual sleep .. felt like a new person!
i think you are right. you guys are definitely tired and in newborn daze.
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