Friday, December 5, 2008


We were privileged to have Elizabeth's cousin Sydney over for the afternoon yesterday. Ostensibly it was a favor for her mother, but I think the favor was for us! Sydney and Elizabeth entertained themselves so beautifully that they made my afternoon much easier. They spent a lot of the time playing dress-up and "Mama and Honey," their word for the child.

At one point, I overheard Elizabeth ask Sydney, "Who do you love more, your mommy or your daddy?" Sydney answered that it was her mommy (at the moment, of course!). Elizabeth responded, "Me, too. Your mommy, I mean." I had to laugh - thanks, honey.

Here are the three beautiful girl cousins together.

Here are the three beautiful girl cousins together when they're free to "love" Amelie without me making them pose for a picture!
Wow. Check out poor Elizabeth's hair in these pictures. This is what happens when her mother doesn't change her ponytail for two days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I still got the biggest benefit from you watching Sydney!! Thanks again. You're the best! I was hoping you'd get some cute pictures of the girls. I love them!