Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blow to the Ego

I'm trying to sell my maternity clothes through Craig's List, and a very nice set of grandparents-to-be just came over to look through them for their out-of-town daughter. I think of myself as fairly small (at least I was during my first pregnancy when I was 20 pounds lighter than I am right now!), but they left because my clothes were all "too big" for their "petite" daughter. The lady even pointed out that the butts of the pants are just way too big to fit.

I'm trying not to let it hurt my feelings, but it's hard!


The Lindell Family said...

Ouch!! :(

Jennifer C. said...

There's always someone bigger and someone smaller. I used to see most everyone as being smaller, but lately, I've been seeing more people that are bigger, so now things have started to average out a bit. Is this a change in me or the world? I think it's me.

To quote a song I heard this morning, "I'm not cool, but that's okay. My God loves me anyway." So true... especially about weight.

ella peterson said...

whoa.... sorry dear!

J mom said...

How rude that they said it in such a way. Wait until they see just how bug her pregnant butt gets. I sure was shocked at what my "little" body wore at 8 months pregnant!