Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today we are going up to Breezy Point Resort in Brainerd for a week at my parents' timeshare. It's a lot of work to get us and the house all ready! (So why am I sitting here blogging?) Isaac will join us from Sunday until Thursday, which is the longest we've ever gotten him! This is his tenth winter up there with us - I can hardly believe it.

Imagine: a whole, wonderful week with my parents and husband as bridge partners, swimming and exercise buddies, and live-in baby-sitters! Our plan is to hang out together, eat lots of good (i.e. not terribly healthy) food, spend hours in the pool every day, play games, and read. My cousin Maija, her husband and two kids, and her parents will be up there too, so we'll have plenty of fun family time and playmates for Elizabeth.

After Amelie wakes up from her morning nap, we're taking off. During this brief time, I need to do the dishes, empty the trash, pack last-minute and refrigerator items, schlep stuff out to the car, keep a too-eager Elizabeth occupied... What am I doing on the computer again?

See you next week!

1 comment:

Ali said...

have fun!! much needed fun i bet. oh and take pictures