The summer is going by far too quickly. It feels like it's just started, and somehow we're already well into July. Isaac has been working hard (an additional 50 hours a week or so) on extra projects for work for just about three months straight, but we're celebrating because they finally finished today! That means that I get both my computer and my husband back for the rest of the summer! I'm hoping it also means I can get back into running and working out a little more frequently. I'm sure Isaac is looking forward to that, too. He really needs a break.
We've been taking advantage of every possible moment to be outside. Elizabeth still loves her tennis lessons (every morning at 8:15!) and Amelie and I play at the park while she practices. The lessons are only a block from her school, and I'm growing to appreciate the tight community of St. Anthony Park students, neighbors, and parents.
Elizabeth has also learned how to ride her bike recently, and we're all excited about that. So far I've been able to mostly keep up by running with the jogging stroller, but we're going to have to see if Isaac's and my bikes can be fixed up (we haven't used them in years) and look into getting some kind of seat or trailer for Amelie. This could be a really fun family activity. She's had a few crashes, but she's handling them very well.
Amelie is still extremely busy and demanding, but she is starting to understand more and demonstrate restraint on occasion. She's started to enjoy books, which is HUGE for us because now we can read to her for 20-30 minutes at a stretch and gain some respite there. We're also enjoying her language development. Recently, I used the word "lukewarm." Since we had just spent time with our friends Luke and Isabelle, Amelie got excited and yelled, "Isabelle-warm!"
I'm finding that house-cleaning and baths keep getting postponed and lose out in priority to one more hour at the park, or a quick spin around the block. Oh, well. There will be time for that in the fall, right?
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