Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rained Out

On Sunday morning it poured for almost two hours. "Deluge" is actually the most accurate word to describe it. Although our tent stayed dry (our friends' did not!) we decided it would be more fun to set up camp in the nearby stone shelter. We carried in all of our breakfast fixings, and Isaac cooked up eggs and cheese and bacon. It was so good, and the atmosphere so relaxed, that our family of four packed away a dozen eggs - our allotment for the entire trip!

After a while of trying to keep the girls cooped up inside, I realized that it didn't really matter if they got wet, so they set out to play in the rain and had a blast. I stayed inside and manned the slamming screen door.

We had planned to hike the rest of the trip, and the thought of the kids climbing on narrow, slick, muddy trails didn't appeal to us very much. So we explored for the remainder of the morning and then left after lunch. Even coming home 24 hours early, we had a great time.

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