I've been getting to have lots of wonderful spiritual conversations with my friend Wendy this year. Wendy is new to the faith and has never-ending questions that really keep me on my toes and seeking God's wisdom for how to answer.
As Wendy and I were walking around Como Lake a couple of weeks ago, I shared with her how I had been praying for a spiritual running partner, knowing it wouldn't be her since she's not a runner. Lo and behold, her face lit up and she exclaimed, "You're my answer to prayer!" Wendy too had been praying for someone to encourage and motivate her!
I was immediately excited because now I could combine my friendship and discipleship of Wendy with my need for exercise! I remember starting to run, so I was prepared to run with her a few blocks at a time until she could build up strength and endurance. Surprise! Little Miss I'm-Not-a-Runner ran for 3.2 miles on our first time out - and that was after walking for the first 3 miles as we talked! It won't be long before I'm scrambling to keep up with her, although the running is tougher because we keep up a steady stream of conversation!
So praise God for time to run and my new spiritual running partner!
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