Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow What Fun!

After spending Christmas Eve night at my parents' house, we drove down to Faribault to spend Christmas Day and night with them. After lunch, everyone headed outside to play in the snow. My in-laws really know how to play. They are so much fun! I guess hanging in trees runs in the family, because here's Isaac's not-so-little-any-more brother Nathaniel hanging by one foot.

There is requisite jumping off high and dangerous places with that family.

They taught me how to play Fox and Goose. You trample a wheel path through the snow and then play tag within that path. It's exhausting in thigh-deep snow! I was breathing hard after just the trampling part!

Ana took a break to hang out with the little granddaughters.

Amelie was running on fumes from too much celebration and refused to show off her fun, brave self. She was whiny and fussy and demanding until we put her on the snow-covered trampoline. That bought us another ten minutes or so before I had to take her inside for a nap, then put on all my soaking snow clothes again to rejoin the fun.

We all headed over to the trampoline and turned it into a fantastic snow fort, big enough to fit all of us. Evelyn and Jeremy (and others) worked hard to shovel snow walls up to the floor, while others worked on creating an 8-foot tunnel entrance.

Inside the fort was very nice and comfortable. We didn't even mind being drenched.

It did get a little crowded with Strider the German shepherd though!

Beth brought out Summer the horse for a while, and all of us took turns sitting on her. They convinced me to have a turn using the argument that if I fall off, at least there's 3 feet of snow to catch me! I decided that if I took a turn this winter, I wouldn't have to do it for another 5 years or so!

Getting on wasn't so bad, and the warmth of the horse actually felt good through my wet snowpants. Getting off was scary, though, because I worried I'd fall under the horse as I slid down. Ana finally talked me down by pointing out that the longer I stayed on, the more likely it was for Summer to get annoyed and feel my fear!
Beth looks much more natural on Summer!
After the snow, we filled the time with roughhousing, playing games, eating good food, and opening presents. It was another wonderful Christmas celebration.

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