Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Aah... Fall!

I love fall. Okay, technically I love every change in season; I'm a true Minnesotan at heart. But fall is one of the best. How can you not walk around and just breathe and gaze and wonder at God? (I know. I said that in spring and summer too. Oh well.)

Fall means sweaters and jeans (if I could fit in them), and cuddly quilts, and being able to snuggle with Isaac for longer than a few minutes until he gets too hot (again, if I could fit and it was comfortable) and candles and warm beverages and quilts and leaves... I love fall. I can bring out my warm fuzzy socks again! (And I CAN fit in those - I just can't reach to put them on!)

I took Elizabeth for a last-minute fall jaunt at Aamodt's Apple Orchards today. I let her be in charge of what we did and when, calling it "Ellie Choice Day." She loves Ellie Choice Days (they don't happen nearly as often as she'd like, for some inexplicable reason!). I told her that she could have Ellie Choice Day all the way until it was time to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house this afternoon. She laughed and said, "It's ALWAYS Ellie Choice Day at Grandma and Grandpa's house!" (She's right.)

Here are some pictures from this morning. By the way, Maija, Aamodt's is not nearly as much fun without you!
Elizabeth jumping into a pile of hay near the hay "amaze"

Elizabeth took this one of me in the attached vineyard

The two of us girls in the vineyard

Elizabeth being a bear in her bear den


ella peterson said...

you girls are super cute!! and it looks like you had a blast!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know I'm missed!! It looks like you guys had a good time though!