Monday, December 1, 2008

What I Learned Last Night (and Plea for Advice!)

As a preschool teacher, I've been thrown up and peed on more than my fair share of times, so I thought I had a pretty good handle on illness. However, somehow Elizabeth made it to age 4 1/2 without ever actually throwing up. I had never been tested. My previous wisdom consisted of calling the parent and asking them to come pick up their child.

Last night was my test. Elizabeth woke up at 1:00am and continued to throw up until after 4:00am. We washed all her sheets and bedding, two sets of Elizabeth's pajamas, one set each of Isaac's and my pajamas, the carpet in two rooms, the tile and wood floor, the vomit bowl 8 times, and her hair twice. Here's what I learned:

  • After the first throw-up and subsequent shampoo, put hair into a ponytail so it doesn't get dirty again!
  • It is really helpful to have two parents: one to clean the child, and one to clean the environment. I can't imagine doing this as a single parent.
  • Figure out a way to take shirts off without getting vomit in hair (I haven't mastered this yet).
  • Have a family party on the couch by the lighted Christmas tree while you wait for the episodes to finish (this was Isaac's brilliant stroke of genius!). We told stories about when we were little to distract our little patient and pass the time.
  • Put bath towels over pillows and bedding once you figure out what's going on.
  • Have one parent sleep next to the child so that you can catch the next episode before it makes another mess.
  • I have the most wonderful husband in the whole world who also happens to be the most wonderful daddy in the whole world.

You other parents have probably figured these things out already, but it was new to me. Here's my question for those of you who have more than one kid or who had siblings yourself: How do you keep the other kid from getting sick? Elizabeth cries and cries that she can't kiss Amelie and even though I watch carefully, constantly gets in her face to play with her and talk to her. Should I assume that Amelie is already exposed since she was kissed all day yesterday and just let them be together? Should I forbid Elizabeth from going anywhere near Amelie? How does this change once Amelie passes infancy? How should I treat minor colds versus real illnesses?

Also, what other things would make a night like this easier? Please give me some advice!


Lynn Wolf said...

By now Amelie has surely been exposed, but that doesn't mean she'll exhibit symptoms. Try not to worry, it's good for her to be exposed.

I'd be more worried about getting sick myself and having to deal with two kids!

Jen D said...

Allie got incredibly sick (puking non-stop...we actually made a visit to the ER for dehydration) last year when Zach was only 3 months old. The ER doc told me that if I was nursing Zach, there was a good chance that he wouldn't get it at all or if he did get it, it wouldn't be nearly as severe. The doctor was right. Zach stayed completely healthy despite Allie's constant puking for days on end...and I know for a fact it wasn't because he was not exposed (Allie was always in his face!). Hope Elizabeth begins feeling better soon!!

Spring Lela Kane said...

This blog only confirms that I'm not yet ready to be a parent:)! I admire parents- parenting is such a selfless thing. I've concluded I'm too selfish right now to become one. But if God had other plans I'm sure He'd show me how to get over vomit and spit-up and crying children!

Anonymous said...

My advice, make sure she drinks lots of water even if that means she throws it up again. This will save you a trip to the ER for dehydration. Also sleeping next to them is great. I put a sheet on the floor and towels on their pillows and then sleep next to them and pray i don't get it. I wouldn't worry about Amelie. She's been exposed already, after the puking is done, Ellie shouldn't be contagious. They are contagious before and during. I agree with whoever said I'd be more worried about getting sick myself!