Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Still Training

I'm more than halfway through my training for the half-marathon in 3 1/2 weeks. I've built my weekly mileage up to 17-20 miles a week, and I'm ready to tackle a 10-mile training run on Saturday.

Last night I got to run 4.5 miles with my dad, which was just a blast. I can't believe I can run with my dad! How cool is that? That was one of those runs that I finished strong, felt good the whole way, and loved it. It's good to have those once in a while, since I frequently have not-very-fun runs too!

Two weeks ago I ran 8 miles. That took me from my house, up Lexington through Como Park, Roseville, past 694, and into Shoreview! Quite a thrill - and LOTS of hills. I'm pretty proud of it and kind of excited to run those hills again.


KMR said...

Wow you ran all the way to Shoreview- that is pretty good. I wish I liked running but I hate it.

Julie said...

You go, and go and go and go, girl!