Thursday, March 10, 2011

Summer Planning

Isaac and I think we should supplement Elizabeth's learning over the summer, so I started thinking about some easy topics and habits we could cover. I imagined picking out books for Elizabeth to read and sitting down with her during most naptimes to do some math activities, some writing, and some educational games. I thought I could make it fun by picking out some fun units and developing themes. (I know, I've missed curriculum development!)

Tonight I asked Elizabeth about my idea and let her brainstorm some ideas. It turned into the VanLoon Family Summer School (her title) and has a daily and weekly schedule that includes an official Get Ready time, Writer's Workshop, Math Facts, Computer, Geography, Cooking, and Art. I'm adding in basics of the Christian faith each week. Her weekly themes include history, science, animals, engineering, and music.

While we planned, she ran around the house, jumping excitedly with each new idea. "And, oh, oh, oh, Mama!" she exclaimed at one point. "We can have homework!"

I have a lot in common with my Type A daughter!

1 comment:

J mom said...

Type A with you that sounds like so much fun! Maybe we can visit your school someday. Studying pirates at all?!