Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Riddle for You, Dear Reader

What could have happened this afternoon to cause me to don latex gloves,
wield bleach-based cleaning products,and make this face?If you guessed an incident involving the bathtub and a child who is not potty-trained, you would be correct. For propriety's sake, I will save you the photo of the messy incident itself and send it instead to my dear husband, who missed this fun little episode of That's-why-we-don't-take-baths-right-after-lunch, which was immediately followed by an I-just-scrubbed-the-bathtub-yesterday pity party.
Aren't children wonderful?

1 comment:

J mom said...

i just had to laugh, I'm sorry. I have so been there and it is rotten. i am hoping round two will go better...